Other name: pistachio Ahmad Aqaee , Pistachio AA , Pistachio ahmad aghaee
is figure has a moderate growth and growth habit. The height of the tree is 309 cm (average height) and the tree crown width is 394 cm (wide width).
Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio โ Flowering:
The flowering date of this cultivar is April 10th (early) and the whole flower stage is April 16 with a flowering period of 13 days.
Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio โ Leaf features:
The percentage of plain leafs is 12.5% (high), the percentage of leaflets in three leaflets is 61.25% (high), the percentage of leaflets in four leaflets is 7.5% (low), the percentage of five leaflets is 18.75% (moderate), this figure The leaf length is 138 mm (low), the width of the leaf is 133.3 mm (low), the end leaf length is 35/83 mm (moderate), the width of the leaflet end is 3/50 mm (low), the length of the petiole 42,22 mm (moderate) )Is. The size of the leaflet is larger than the lateral leaves, the shape of the leaflet is the end of the spear.
Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio โ Flower buds:
The length of flower buds in this figure is (mm), the shape of sprout flower buds.
Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio โ Fruit cluster:
This cultivar has a length of 21/12 cluster of centimeters (medium) and a width of 9 centimeters (low), a spikelet diameter of 19/7 mm (low), an initial number of splits of an average of 9/9 (small), the number of secondary splits on the first The initial split is 0.8 pounds (low). The cluster is tall and weighs more than 56.52 grams (low), the dry pistachios weight of each cluster is 47.15 gr (highest), has the highest number of pistachios (29 / 34 pcs.), The percentage of smelly pistachios is 74.8% (high), the percentage of pistachios in the closed mouth is 6.7% (low), the percentage of pistachios with skin is 15.1% (). This variety has pistachios Coarse Bunny Smiling 25 (Medium).
Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio โ Fruit
The date of the onset of the rapid growth of the embryo in this figure of 5 July (early) and the time of arrival of its fruits is 10 September (Early Clay).
Green tip skin, green skin color when the bright red fruit comes, fresh weight of the fruit with green skin 56.59 grams (high), and fresh weight of skin without green skin 34.74 g (high), dry weight of pistachio 22.1 g ( High), green skin weight 22.12 (the highest green skin weight among the cultivars), the length of the dry pistachio is 20.48 mm (high), the width of 12.12 mm long pistachio (high), the position of the skeletal skeleton in the back only And the abdomen is equal. Pistachio shape is rectangular. High degree of laxation of bony skin (26.25 mm), dry weight of brain 0.65 g (high), dry weight of pistachios with green skin 39.3%, juicy green skin texture, red color of red purple, The bright green brain starts to handle the fruit from the tip, the color of the bony skin is very bright.